Come, for the idea of the story that prevails, the human emotion as an ageless, breathless point in time. A corporal glitch betwixt decay and trust, amidst then and now. Meet the old industrial area Norra Sorgenfri in Malmö, held in hand by intimate portrayals in turn of the century attire.
A selection of the artworks from the exhibition Corporeality Glitch, that was shown at Lokstallarna, Malmö, Sweden during September 2023.
Dystopian Ballgame
Rönn Ribohn: Mix, field recordings, words
Jonas Söderström: Clarinet

Nobelvägen, Malmö, Sweden

Agneslundsvägen, Malmö, Sweden
Benzons Corner Antiquarian

Industrigatan, Malmö, Sweden
AB Alfred Benzons fabrik, kontorsbyggnad

Industrigatan, Malmö, Sweden
AB Alfred Benzons fabrik, kontorsbyggnad

Industrigatan, Malmö, Sweden
AB Alfred Benzons fabrik, kontorsbyggnad

Industrigatan, Malmö, Sweden
AB Alfred Benzons fabrik, kontorsbyggnad
Arms In Ashes
Rönn Ribohn: Mix, field recordings, words
Jonas Söderström: Clarinet

Industrigatan, Malmö, Sweden

Industrigatan, Malmö, Sweden

Industrigatan, Malmö, Sweden
Sight Time Fracture

S:t Pauli Mellersta kyrkogård, Malmö, Sweden

Östra Farmvägen, Malmö, Sweden

Östra Farmvägen, Malmö, Sweden
Academic Fairy Tale
Rönn Ribohn: Mix, field recordings, bass, words
Jonas Söderström: Clarinet

Östra Farmvägen, Malmö, Sweden

Röshultsgatan, Malmö, Sweden

Röshultsgatan, Malmö, Sweden
The exhibition encompassed photography, textile art, city sounds, clarinet, pigment, rust and glass artwork. Sara Mikaelsson creates in textile, she has sown the historical clothing and she is the one portrayed in the photographs. Jonas Söderström has written and played the pieces for clarinet and made the glass artwork. Rönn Ribohn instigated the project, painted pigment artwork, acted as photographer, made field recordings, wrote the words and mixed the music.
Requests to exhibit or otherwise creatively use any of the artwork?
Kindly e-mail